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A Practical Guide to Developing a Global Context Graph

28 March, 2024 (Sunday) - 9:30 – 10:30 AM EST
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In today's dynamic data-driven environment, enterprises encounter formidable hurdles in harnessing the full potential of their data resources. From fragmented data silos to quality discrepancies and accessibility bottlenecks, these obstacles often impede business users and data teams alike from making well-informed decisions.

Enterprises have turned to central data catalogs as a solution to these challenges, yet find them lacking in the provision of holistic context. This webinar delves into an innovative concept: the Global Metadata Context Graph (GMCG). By augmenting traditional data catalogs with the GMCG, organizations can transcend the limitations of isolated metadata repositories, unlocking a new realm of insight and understanding. Join us as we explore how the GMCG revolutionizes the data landscape, empowering businesses to navigate complexity with clarity and confidence.
David Paget Brown
SVP-Head of Operations- North America, Modak
Phil Meredith
Chief Executive Officer, Process Tempo Inc.